HTML Table Caption

Caption is a short description of anything so that it may be understood what that thing is made for. In easy words, caption is the heading of the table.

■ <caption> tag is used for this purpose.

■ It is used just after the opening tag of table element.

■ Important Attributes-

o align= (Optional)
It is used to align the caption with respect to the table. It may have following values-

- bottom

- center (Default)

- left

- right

- top


<caption align= "any value ie left ,right etc">any text</caption>


1 Open Notepad

2 Copy code into Notepad

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<table border="4" bordercolor="red">
<caption align=top>Student Detail</caption>
<th>Student Name</th>
<th>Roll Number</th>
<td>vinod </td>
<td>Mohit </td>

3 Save as caption.html 

4 Open file into  any Browser


Student Detail
Student Name Roll Number Class
vinod 01 BSC
Mohit 02 BSC

If  <caption align=bottom>Student Detail</caption>

Student Detail
Student Name Roll Number Class
vinod 01 BSC
Mohit 02 BSC

If  change in the above code  caption tag ie 
<caption align=right>Student Detail</caption>

Student Detail
Student Name Roll Number Class
vinod 01 BSC
Mohit 02 BSC

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