what is page rank ?

SEOSIKHO 10:42:00
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Page Rank
Google PageRank is one of the algorithms, the main purpose of which is to improve the quality of web search engines. PageRank is made by the two founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, for the pur-pose of measuring the importance of websites.
PageRank can be interpreted as voting as well, every link that directs to the website count as a vote. In other words, only getting more links is not enough for a high rank in Google search engine, and therefore, webmasters should also consider the quality of the linked websites. According to Sullivan, there are 11 points on the Google PageRank system, from 0 to 10. Point 10 indicates the highest PageRank value, and point 0 is the lowest
In the below the Fig explaining the basic idea of Page Rank. In fact, the highest Page Rank point is 10; however, the points in the example are only use for understanding easier. In Figure there are two websites that have three in-17

Inbound links for each website on the left of the figure. Additional, these two websites are assumed as 100 PageRank points and 9 PageRank points, as in Figure . If a website on the left-top has two outbound links, one link goes to the right-top website, and the another link goes to the right-bottom website. Each of the website gets 50 points, because there are two links separated by 100 points. The website on the left-bottom has three outbound links from 9 points; hence there are 9 points goes to three different websites, each website gets 3 points. Therefore, the website on the right-top gets 53 points in total, which 50 points from the website on the left-top and 3 points from the website on the left-bottom. The website on the right-bottom only gets 50 points in total, which it is all from the website on the left-top.

To increase the value of the webpage in the search engine; in other words, to increase the points of Google PageRank, the best way is to add well-known and reputable incoming links. If there are more famous and reliable incoming links, the value of the website is higher which means that the quality of the incoming links is paramount.

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